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Posted on May 21, 2019
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Pettifogger Definition of Pettifogger by MerriamWebsterDefinition of pettifogger 1 a lawyer whose methods are petty underhanded or disreputable shyster 2 one given to quibbling over triflesPettifogger definition of pettifogger by The Free DictionaryA lawyer whose practice involves petty matters or who lacks sound legal judgment or skills Probably petty obsolete pettifogger probably akin to obsolete German successful merchant usurer huckster after the House of Fugger American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fifth EditionThe Pettifogger 2011 IMDbThe Pettifogger 2011 The film is meant to be a comment on the current feeling that we AngloSaxons particularly have been living in a state of greed which became a prevalent mood following the financial crisis of 0809 caused by Ponzistyle investing in property and lax credit conditionsPettifogger Define Pettifogger at The pettifogger capitulates to his invincible adversary and acknowledges in him one whose dogmas it were irreverent to doubt The Knickerbocker Vol 10 No 3 September 1837 Various This lawyer Overend by name was a sort of pettifogger who laid himself out for poor mens workPettifogger legal definition of pettifogger Legal Dictionary5 THE PETTIFOGGER Lewis Klahr Using his wellhoned skills as a collage artist Klahr delves into Americana circa 1963 in a bold experiment with openended narrative structure utilizing composite image constructions and an evocative sound trackPettifogger dictionary definition pettifogger definedpettifogger definition The definition of a pettifogger is a lawyer who handles minor cases using unethical manors or a cheater noun An example of a pettifogger is someone who spends a lot of time fighting over unimportant issues in the courtroom What does pettifogger mean definition and meaning Free • PETTIFOGGER noun The noun PETTIFOGGER has 2 senses 1 a person especially a lawyer or politician who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods 2 a disputant who quibbles someone who raises annoying petty objections Familiarity information PETTIFOGGER used as a noun is rarepettifogger Dictionary Definition A bad lawyer or pettifogger used dubious means to get clients and to win cases The mid16th century word itself combined petty — small from the French petit — with the obsolete word fogger underhanded dealer which probably came from a wealthy 15th century Bavarian family of merchants the FuggersPettifoggery definition of pettifoggery by The Free Define pettifoggery pettifoggery synonyms pettifoggery pronunciation pettifoggery translation English dictionary definition of pettifoggery n 1 A lawyer whose practice involves petty matters or who lacks sound legal judgment or skills Probably petty obsolete fogger pettifogger probably akin to obsolete German Fugger successful pettifogger WiktionarySomeone who quibbles over trivia and raises petty annoying objections and sophistry Hence the cunning measure of appointing as ambassador some political pettifogger skilled in delays sophisms and misapprehensions and dexterous in the art of baffling argument An unscrupulous or unethical lawyer especially one of lesser skill
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